比 Apple 教育價節省更多。
Umac 專享推廣優惠。除產品優惠,享更多額外優惠。

恒生指定信用卡享額外 5% +FUN Dollars 回贈 3
* 優惠受條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽 hangseng.com/cardspromo

完成產品選購,即可參加 FWD MAX 專屬遊戲,贏取豐富獎品。
立即登記,即時賞 $20 OK便利店電子現金券
參加專屬遊戲有機會羸取 iPhone 15 Pro Max及其他 Apple 產品價值高達港幣 $100,000!
* 優惠受條款及細則約束。立即登記

於優惠期內換購新 Mac / iPad,可享高達 HK$7,800 以舊換新 2 優惠


精選 Mac

優惠詳情以 Apple 授權教育經銷商網頁為準。
To learn more, please visit Apple Authorized Education Reseller website.
1 活動由 Apple 授權教育經銷商提供,非與院校合作。
The program is provided by Apple Authorized Education Reseller, and is not cooperating with the university.
2 優惠期由2024年8月1日起至9月30日,於此優惠期內換購新 Mac,可享高達 $7,800 以舊換新優惠。優惠適用於不同品牌或電子產品,所有價格以 Apple 授權教育經銷商為準。
From August 1 to September 30, 2024 get up to HK$7,800 when you trade in a Mac. Trade in applies to different brands or electronic products, and all trade in price are subject to Apple Authorized Education Resellers.
3 2024年8月8日至10月31日成功登記,憑指定恒生信用卡單一合資格簽賬淨值滿HK$6,000或以上,可享額外 5% +FUN Dollars 回贈,每個合資格信用卡戶口於優惠期內可獲最多額外 $300 +FUN Dollars 回贈。
優惠受條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽 hangseng.com/cardspromo。
From August 8 to October 31, 2024 upon successful registration, using designated Hang Seng Credit Card can enjoy extra 5% +FUN Dollars rebate upon spending HK$6,000 or above in a single net purchase, extra reward cap at $300 +FUN Dollars. Terms and Conditions apply, please refer to hangseng.com/cardspromo for more details.
Terms & conditions:
The offer is eligible to tertiary education students and staff only.
透過各大專院校的指定 Apple 授權教育經銷商購買 Apple 產品,方可享有以上優惠。
The offers are only applicable with the purchase of Apple product through Apple Authorized Education Reseller.
所有持有有效身份證明文件的大專院校學生及教職員,在活動期間可購買最多一台Mac 及一台iPad。
All staff and students with official identification documents are eligible to purchase ONE Mac and ONE iPad during program period.
指定恒生信用卡客戶必須於優惠期內透過 hangseng.com/cardspromo 成功以合資格信用卡登記1次,方可獲享獎賞。如客戶重複登記,將以其首次之成功登記為準。
To enjoy the Reward, the designated Hang Seng Credit Card holder must successfully register Eligible Credit Card once via
hangseng.com/cardspromo during the Promotion Period. If a customer registers repeatedly, only the first successful registration is valid.
所有優惠受條款及細則約束,詳情請瀏覽指定 Apple 授權教育經銷商網站及有關合作機構之網站。
Terms and conditions apply. To learn more, please visit Apple Authorized Education Reseller website and the website of the relevant partners.
如有任何爭議,指定 Apple 授權教育經銷商保留最終決定權。
In case of any disputes, Apple Authorized Education Resellers reserve the right of final decision.